As for perfume, I have been searching for years for something I like. I like Laura by Laura Biagiotti, but I never really considered that a permanent option partly because it isn't available in the states and I did not see myself traveling purely for the duty free booty (although I know some people who do!) and also because it's a little too powdery for me, I am looking for something fresh and light.
I should note that I have a very sensitive nose, many smells and scents make me ill after a short time so whatever I pick had to be really special.

But then when browsing in a boutique with a friend a few months ago, I put some on and regretted it instantly. It did not mix well on my skin and I could not wait to wash it off. It was so bad that I needed some of my faux-signature drink(wine) to make it through the rest of the evening.
Then I thought I found a surprising winner - the LAMB perfume.

I went to Sephora to try it out and I'm sure you've figured out by now I was not impressed, it was not a good match.
And neither were any of the Vera Wang scents even though when wedding dress shopping with my sister I thought one of them was great. I was clearly high on tulle or whatever else is in those dresses. I also tried a couple of the Bulgari scents, as I suspected they were just way
too heavy.

One of my favorite things about living in Berkeley is the jasmine all over the place including my front yard. The scent makes me happy so it wasn't so shocking to me that I liked this Jo Malone scent, but it was surprising to me just how much i loved it. And so after years of searching I can finally rest, or really just switch my obsessive search over to something else - the trench coat. Stay tuned...
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