And then there is the story about the design team Rodarte - they were challenged to lose weight by the magazine. It's a story done to death by the magazine but usually about their own staff and writers. This time they found some designers they thought were fat and asked them. ugh.
And then let's get to what I find incredibly annoying - the "shape issue" - that's what they call one issue a year and I find it hilarious. They have a couple of pages this year, dedicated to a
-tall woman (hello, isn't the entire magazine ALWAYS dedicated to tall women?)
-short woman (who of course is so tiny all over she is maybe a size 0)
-pregnant woman which is nice on one level, it's difficult to feel good about yourself when pregnant, the whole gaining weight thing is I imagine not so fun even though it's due to the human being growing in there instead of the pints of ice cream that might be causing other women's weight gain.
-the curvy woman - she is hourglass and TINY.
So, where is the woman with the belly? The woman with a big ass? The woman with broad shoulders? Oh yeah, they don't exist in the vogue-verse.* Oh well.
*Yes, I wrote Vogue-verse, as in Uni-verse, as in Firefly , Joss Whedon's amazing futuristic space cowboy story (or Buffy-verse as in the universe of all things Buffy might be referred to, or Whedon-verse, the universe of all things created by Joss Whedon), and now you know a whole lot more about me than I meant to reveal.
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