It does look a little funny on the non-pregnant mannequin, oh well.
And the Citizens version -

ALso modeled on a non-pregnant mannequin, oh well. They are both great styles, and the Paige version is a particularly good deal at $66!
While I'm blogging about maternity pants, I saw on Overstock they also have this belly band which is supposed to be good for early in the pregnancy when your clothes are no longer fitting...

I think it works for some people at the point when your clothes are a little small, but your belly isnt quite ready for maternity clothes...
also, target carries a cheaper version of the bella band, called b by bellaband, and i loved it when i was early on also for helping keep my maternity pants from falling down (also useful post-partum!)
I was going to say the same thing! I first wore the band with my old clothes and now for my maternity clothes until I fully grow into it.
Sorry that I am only FINALLY reading the blog!
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